Thursday, April 17, 2008

Why is a Muslim Nurses Association Needed?

First I'd like to say salaam to all my sister nurses out there who have been invited and have come to this blog. Second, this invitation was meant for any muslim woman who is a healthcare provider, a doctor, nurse, nurse aid, medical assistant, etc. I noticed that for myself as I work I am always mindful of who I am as a muslim. When I tend to a suffering person, when I eat my lunch, when I know it is time to pray. And the topper, "would I wear hijab at work?". I rub elbows with nurses who are muslim and you would not know it. Sometimes I think this is sad, because we need the support knowing another sister in the workplace can give us. But on the other hand, we are all entitled to our rights in terms of privacy and as to whether we want to wear our religon on our sleeve in public.

I have seen doctors and nurses wear hijab at work. And to them I say, "good for you" I know its a big step. One is always concious of the possibility that the hijab will only draw unwanted attention and criticism to you, and on the up side it may help some with their tainted ideas of islam.

I hope that on this site we can dialogue, share stories of nursing, our hurdles and and our victories. And we can hopefully help one another with ideas on how to do our jobs better. I plan on making a space for the technology challenged, and new stuff for nurses who might have been out of the loop. I am hoping to get doctors to contribute as well.

So have fun, check in often.
As Salaam Alaikum

Nisa Nurse

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